Sunday, August 12, 2012

10 Ways To Save Marriage From Divorce

Is you marriage breaking down, you are panic-stricken and desperately looking for ways to save marriage from divorce? If yes then you should first regain control over your nerves and understand that panic will lead you nowhere but to more panic and trouble. You should keep calm and listen to Amy Waterman, who is the creator of “Save My Marriage Today” that has saved uncountable marriages from divorce. Following are some good ways to save marriage from divorce.

Be Together

Sure, you are very busy in your job, kids, household stuff, cleaning etc. But are these things more important than a troubled marriage? It’s the time to be together and give importance to your partner. If you still keep yourself busy in all those things that are taking you away from your partner, you are making a big mistake of your life. Just wait for a moment and think, do these things matter anymore if your marriage is falling apart just because of them? A simple and wise solution to this problem is to spend some time together. Go for vacations together and spend leisure time with your partner. Do all those activities that you and your partner enjoy doing together.

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Forget “Mine” and “Yours”, Practice “US” & “We”

Once you’re married and in a relationship, there is a very little place for “Mine” and “Yours”. A good relationship always starts with “US” and “We” and nothing else. If you have forgotten these two words and their meaning, it’s the time to give value to these words. It is very important to build intimacy and togetherness based on the mutual interests. Likewise, it is very important to have a healthy outer and inner life of your own. You can ensure stronger relationship by respecting your differences.   

Communicate Before It’s Too Late

Many misunderstandings arise when two partners fail to communicate properly. Misunderstandings are the major reasons why most marriages fail. A proper and active communication is one of the most effective ways to save marriage from divorce. If you are bad at communicating, you have to learn good communication skills to save your marriage from divorce. The way you communicate with your partner determines the strength of your marriage.

Seek Outside Help For Kids’ Problems (If Needed)

Children make a big difference in a relationship. Your kids change the dynamics of your marriage, however, your kids shouldn’t destroy the sanctity of your relationship. Every kid has problems and parents want to help their kids. If your child has a problem, solve it with the cooperation of your partner. Don’t hesitate to seek outside help if it’s needed. You cannot leave your kids’ all matter on your wife or husband.

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Take Care Of Your Physical Well Being

Many people leave themselves just because of their hectic work routine. It is not a good idea. If you don’t take care of yourself and because of this you don’t look good anymore, you should give yourself sometime. Physical fitness is very important because not only other people will appreciate you but also you will feel good about yourself if you are physically fit. If you have gained weight, you should join a gym or perform exercise at home to lose weight and to get into the right shape.

Avoid Over- and Harsh-Criticism

If you have a bad habit of criticizing things, you should ditch this habit. It is wise and firmly advisable to you to avoid judging too harshly. If you still want to criticize, you should be gentle and do it as you want other people to criticize you. Sometimes too much criticizing can cause distance between two people.


One of the most important ways to save a marriage from divorce is to revive the lost romance in a marriage. Many couples forget the very important part of marriage “romance.” Regardless of how old is your marriage, romance should be one of the most important things in your life. You should keep the romance alive even when life is too harsh with you. Do at least one romantic gesture for your spouse everyday.

Renegotiating The Terms and Conditions of Your Marriage

Marriage is not different than any other contract. It is important to revise and update the terms and conditions of this contract to avoid any trouble. The best time to do so is the time before your anniversary. 

Practice The Dating Period

Dating is without any doubt a very beautiful time. This is the time when two people try to win each other. You should practice the same attitude after your marriage. Pretend you are trying to win your partner once again. Any unexpected gift, compliments and a warm embrace go a long way. Practice these things today and see the difference. A small gesture can change the whole day of your partner. Reviving the dating period is one of the most effective ways to save marriage from divorce. 

If All Else Fails! Listen to Amy Waterman

If all else fails, you should listen to Amy Waterman. She has created a system to help troubled marriages called “Save My Marriage Today.” In this system, you will learn all possible ways to save marriage from divorce. This system will teach you:
  • What is the most destructive thing you are doing to your marriage right now that is pushing your spouse away from you.
  • The key tips to make your partner turn towards you instead of moving away.
  • How to lovingly and positively get your partner to challenge their attitude and beliefs about what they think is wrong with your marriage.
  • What are the two emotions that are pushing your partner in the arms of someone else.
  • A 4 step powerful formula to stop cheating dead in its tracks and to rebuild a powerful and stronger relationship.
  • A clever mind trick to free you from distractions and that will supercharge your marriage saving power.
  • A powerful psychological trick that will help you avoid all negative thoughts feelings, and that will help you view your partner with love, trust and happiness.

These were just some of the all ways to save marriage from divorce that you will learn in Save My Marriage Today. There is a lot more important things that are include in the marriage saving system “Save My Marriage Today” and you can read it here. To buy this system, CLICK HERE

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Effective Ways to Save a Marriage

A troubled marriage that is at the high risk of divorce has a power to change many lives forever. If you are living in a troubled marriage and you need to fix your marriage, you have to act now to find out the ways to save your marriage. A good eBook to learn what are the effective ways to save a marriage is "Save My Marriage Today." There are various effective ways to save a marriage, but which way you should choose depends on the intensity of your problem. Before you work on the ways to save marriage, you should understand that you are not alone in the troubled marriage. Your partner is also going through this tough situation and both of you need to sit down to find a better solution. It’s because this is the only effective to protect your marriage from divorce. Let’s have a look on the ways to save a marriage that you can use to save your marriage. 

Communicate With Each Other

Half of your problems will be solved without turning into big issues if you learn to communicate with your partner. A better communication can make a big difference in your married relationship.  In fact, most of the misunderstandings and problems arise when there is either total lack of communication or when the two partners don’t communicate properly. No matter how busy you are with your household chores, kids and with your job responsibilities, you have to take out some time to listen to what your partner has to say to you. Don’t just keep your communication limited to a text message or a phone call. It is advisable to you to make it a part of your weekly routine to talk with your partner for sharing your thoughts and ambitions.

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Don’t Drag Up Past Mistakes of Your Partner

Most people do it when they are angry. However, it is not a good habit and nobody likes it. No matter how angry you are, you should avoid dragging up past mistakes of your partner. You have to be more patient if you want to save your marriage. It’s the only way you can fix your troubled relationship.

Share Fears Openly

You should be open with your partner. If you feel insecure about anything related to your partner, share it with him/her. If you choose to avoid sharing your fears and insecurities with your partner, you are likely to become either oversensitive or conscious about your partner. A wise and decent way to avoid being too sensitive or conscious about your partner is to share your fears and insecurities with him/her. 

Share Responsibilities

Equal distribution of responsibilities can save you from many problems that you might face in your married life. You have to be flexible and don’t make your partner feel that he/she is responsible for everything that is happening your married, personal and kids’ life. You have to be cooperative and you have to understand your responsibilities if you want a happy marriage.

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Make Important Decision Together

When it comes to make important decision, don’t do it alone. For example, if you want to buy a new house, don’t decide the home purchase alone. You should take your partner’s opinion about everything related to your home purchase. This is just another way to give importance to your partner. Also, bear in mind that once you are married, you’re not alone anymore and you can’t make your life’s important decision alone that have an effect on your partner’s life. This is one of the effective ways to save a marriage. Keep into mind that your partner needs the same attention and respect that you need from them for you. 


Compromise is one of those ways to save a marriage that has saved a great number of marriages from divorce. Choosing to compromise doesn't mean that only your partner is responsible to compromise and this rule doesn't apply to you. You should be the first to compromise if you want to save your marriage. 

Express Your Love and Keep It Alive!

The main reason of the failure of most marriages is the absence of love. If you are not giving attention to your partner, it is obvious that he/she will feel that they are not loved or cared for anymore. Regardless of your hectic working schedule, you should take out some time for your partner. Sometimes only little things can do the great job. For example, a simple text message of “I love you” can help you a lot. If you love your partner, you have to show it. For example, you can buy a gift for your partner or you could take him/her to a candle-lit dinner on weekend to express your love.   

Let “Save My Marriage Today” Help You

If you are still not sure what ways to save a marriage you should use, don’t worry and let “Save My Marriage Today” help you save your marriage. This eBook contains essential tips and advice that you will need to save your marriage from divorce. In this eBook you will find.
  • Main reasons of the failure of most marriages
  • The secret of having a happy marriage
  • The key to find and resolve the core problems in your marriage
  • And a lot more that you will need to save your marriage from divorce.

In conclusion, there are various effective ways to save a marriage from divorce that you can try with or without marriage counseling. Sometimes the solution of a problem lies within the problem and all we need is to be patient and to be critics of our self. If you feel confused about which ways to save a marriage you should use, you should simply grab a copy of Save My Marriage Today to save your troubled marriage from divorce.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Save Marriage From Divorce Without Marriage Counseling?

Wondering How to Save Marriage From Divorce Without Marriage Counseling? Stop Wondering and Get a Copy of Save My Marriage Today!

If you are in a troubled marriage and divorce seems to be the only option you’re left with, and marriage counseling has failed for you, don’t worry and get your copy of Save My Marriage Today. There may be many reasons why you don’t want to use marriage counseling to save your marriage from divorce. For example, marriage counseling hasn’t worked for you to save your marriage, or if you don’t to wait for long because marriage counseling takes a good amount of time. So, the question is how to save marriage from divorce without the help of a marriage counselor. Following are some ways that you can use to save your relationship.

Keep Your Problems Aside

Traditional marriage counseling uses a technique called problem-solving skills. This technique can make the situation worse because when you focus on problems, you may actually make them bigger in appearance. A better way to avoid further complaints and complications in your relationship is to simply put your problems aside and work together to save your marriage from divorce. Focusing on problems will not only make these problems bigger but also it will be a total waste of time and energy. The more you focus on your problems, the more negativity will add up into your relationship.

Connect Through Conversation and Physical Contact

Every relationship starts with conversation and then physical contact makes relationships stronger as the time goes by. Once the daily responsibilities of married life take over, couples usually forget the importance of maintaining a healthy connection through conversation and physical contact. Both partners start to feel that they are less important for their spouse and they don’t get enough attention. The key here is to practice those ways that help you keep the romance in your relationship alive. No matter how busy you are, you have to take out some time for your spouse everyday.

Make First Move

Most couples keep waiting for their partner to make the first move either because they have ego-issues or because they don’t want their partner to make the first move. It’s however wrong approach. You should make first move instead of waiting for your partner. You should make an act of love if your partner hasn’t done it yet. It is very important to be positive because positive actions give rise to positive feelings. You should buy a nice gift for your spouse to express your feelings. Love your partner and tell your partner that you care and you’re there for him/her.

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Take Interest In Your Partner’s Activities

The quality time that you spend with your partner actually determines the health and strength of your marriage. If you want to save your marriage from divorce, you have to take first step in everything. You should share time with your partner to get closer to your spouse. A good way to spend time together is to do a joint activity, accompany your partner in their hobby, and help your partner in his/her work.

Don’t Try To Change Your Partner

Many people make the horrible mistake of trying to change their partner. It’s because they think they will save their marriage from divorce by changing their partner. Unfortunately, this attitude will trigger stubbornness in your partner. You should never try to change your partner. You can use a polite way to bring a good change in your partner. You should always avoid telling your partner that they should do this or that to change them.

Keep The Romantic Phase Alive

Most problems in marriages arise when the romantic phase ends. Soon after this phase, people start thinking if they have married the right person. This is the point where you need to revive the romantic phase of your marriage. You can do different things to keep this phase alive in your marriage. For example, go for a candle lit dinner and say I love you to your partner. Likewise, there are other things that you can do to keep the romance in your marriage alive. However, before doing anything, keep your partner’s likes and dislikes into mind.

Give Your Relationship Some Time

It is very important to give your marriage some time to figure out how to save marriage from divorce. You shouldn’t take random decisions about your marriage because it’s not only about your life it is about your partner’s life too. When you choose to give your marriage sometime, you actually allow yourself to fix your marriage. The chances of saving your marriage from divorce are higher when you choose to give your marriage some time. It’s because during this particular period of time, you can learn more things about how to save marriage from divorce or how to be a better spouse etc.

Read Marriage Saving eBooks and Guides

A good way to learn more about the possibilities of how to save marriage from divorce without marriage counseling is to read a good eBooks that you can easily find on the Internet. A good eBook that has helped a great number of couples to save their marriage from divorce is “Save My Marriage Today”.

Why You Should Buy Save My Marriage Today?

Save My Marriage Today is a real marriage saver program that has save many marriages from divorce. It offers guide and good advice about how to stop divorce when it seems to be the only option. Following are some important things hat you will learn from Save My Marriage Today.
  • Reasons why most marriages don’t work or fail and how you could stop them.
  • The secrets of having a happy marriage and how to keep it.
  • What should be your behavior when having a serious argument with your partner.
  • 5 important things that you have to do if you want to have a happy relationship with your spouse.
  • How to revive or bring back the love and understanding in your marriage.
  • How to find out the real problem in your marriage that has led your marriage to divorce.
  • Exactly what you should do when your spouse is cheating.
  • How you can learn from your actions and reactions.

This isn’t all about Save My Marriage Today because you’ll get to learn more about how to save a marriage from divorce in this eBook.

Click Here To Grab a Copy of Save My Marriage Today and Save Your Marriage From Divorce

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Save Marriage From Divorce Alone?

Your Marriage Is At The Risk of Divorce and You Are Wondering How to Save Marriage From Divorce Alone. Don’t panic and Act Now! It Is Possible To Save Marriage From Divorce.

If your marriage is going through a serious trouble where divorce seems to be the only option, you should take matters into your hand in order to save your marriage from divorce. Ups and downs are the part of every relationship. You should be able to save your marriage from divorce because separation could negatively impact your children immensely. If you are wondering how to save marriage from divorce, first you should take a deep breath and keep your nerves calm in order to find the best solution to your marriage related problems. You will have to be patient for saving your marriage from divorce. There are many reasons why two married people want to get apart from each other. Here are few things that will help you figure out exactly howto save marriage from divorce even when you are doing it alone.

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Be Honest & understand the Importance of Proper Communication

An old adage – honesty is the best policy, fits well here. It’s because in order to fix your broken marriage, you have to be honest. You should understand the importance of proper communication with your spouse. It is wise and firmly advisable to all the married couples going through difficulties in their relationship to spend some quality time alone with their partner. Most problems arise in a relationship when there’s a lack of or improper communication between two partners. It usually happens when the two partners are either too busy rearing their kids or keeping with household responsibilities. Whatever the reason may be, lack of communication is one of the major problems of the troubled marriages. While you are trying to figure out how to save marriage from divorce, you should check how you have been communicating with your partner in the past years of your marriage. A better and more frequent communication with each other not only brings two people closer but also it makes it is easier for two people to open up to each other about certain issues in their marriage or at home.  Thus, if a problem arises, with a better communication you can address that particular problem immediately.

Avoid Hiding Things From Your Spouse

It is a very important thing that many people forget. Once you are married, you’re not alone in anything. You should never hide anything from your partner. If you have a secret, share it with your spouse. If you are keeping secrets from your partner, you are putting your relationship at a risk. You can’t maintain a happy relationship until you are open to your spouse. Never make your spouse feel that he/she knows a very little about you and you hide things from him/her. It’s because it can make them feel insecure. Your partner may also think that he/she cannot be trusted that’s why you hide things from them.  Be open to your partner about everything and don’t forget to be polite. This attitude will create more troubles in your marriage.

Respect Your Spouse and your Marriage

Respect is the most important element of a happy marriage. In a healthy relationship, both partner respect each other and their marriage. When you respect your marriage, you are better able at controlling your anger in tension or in the time of crises. If you want to save your marriage, you have to respect your marriage and you have to take those things that come with it. If you “want out”, you can do anything you want without thinking of your spouse, kids and relationship. If you are seriously trying to figure out how to save marriage from divorce, you have to be honest and you have to give respect to your spouse and your relationship. The key here is to value the sanctity of your marriage.

Self-Assessment To Save Your Marriage From Divorce

Self-assessment is not only helpful to save marriage from divorce but also it is helpful keeping good terms with other people in your life. While you are figuring out how to save marriage from divorce, don’t forget to put yourself into a self-assessment process. Find out your mistakes that had led your marriage to its current troubled stage. You can’t undo your past mistakes but you can be a better spouse by avoiding repeating your mistakes in the future. You have to keep your ego aside if you want your marriage to work out.

Marriage Counseling

It’s probably the last option you are left with in order to save your marriage from divorce. Marriage counselor can help you figure out how to save marriage from divorce. It’s because these counselors are well-trained in identifying the actual problems between two people. You will have to convince your partner for talking with a marriage counselor if you both want to save your marriage from divorce. Marriage counseling provides some solutions to those problems that have led your marriage to troubled stage. Couples are required to apply these solutions to see any improvement. Marriage counseling often goes more than 1 session. The main purpose of marriage counseling is to find out the concerns and reservations of both partners.
How to save marriage from divorce might be a very difficult question for you that you might be asking yourself right now if you are in a troubled marriage. Remember, there are always little things that lead to the big problem. You have to work out to find out those little things in order to figure out exactly how to save marriage from divorce even if you are doing it alone. Just be honest with your relationship and keep patience.

 How to Save Marriage From Divorce

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How To Save Marriage From Divorce?

Are You Trying to Save Your Marriage From Divorce? Here’s is How to Save Marriage From Divorce.

Marriage is one of the most important and beautiful relationships that you build up with the person you love the most. Anything could break this relationship and breaking down of a marriage means breaking down of a family. If you are facing trouble in keeping your marriage on the right track and it is going downhill where divorce is the only option you’re left with, it’s the time to take matters into your hands to save your marriage. You should bear in mind that your conflicts with your partner will have a life-long negative impact on your kids and other people related to your life. Your kids will suffer the most. If you don’t know how to save marriage from divorce, take a deep breath and ask for help. If you don’t have anyone you can trust and ask for help, first gather your courage and find ways to save marriage from divorce yourself.

What You Need to Save Marriage From divorce?

Before you figure out how to save marriage from divorce, you need to build up or acquire few very important things in you. These things include:
  • A lot of patience
  • Positive attitude
  • Calmness
  • Determination

Before you figure out how to save marriage from divorce, you should understand and realize that you still have good amount of time to save your marriage from divorce. It’s because you are looking for ways to save your marriage and to stop a divorce, which means you have time. The key here is to be patient and keep your nerves in control.  Once you have gained complete control over your emotions, you should proceed to the next steps to figure out how to save marriage from divorce.

It’s Time to Face the Reality

The first thing that you should do is to acknowledge the existence of conflicts and issues that have led your marriage to this state where divorce seems to be imminent. Once you know the core issues and conflicts make efforts to resolve these issues. If you are the one who is responsible for these conflicts, you should correct yourself now. If your partner has caused these conflicts, be flexible and broach the matter with your souse in order to save your marriage from divorce. You have to take early corrective measures, until it’s too late for you and your partner to stop divorce.

Discuss What’s Causing Annoyance In Your Marriage

It’s very important to discuss what is causing annoyance in your marriage. Keep this discussion healthy and avoid arguing with your partner. If your partner is not ready to listen to you or not ready to discuss the issues with you, give them sometime and keep your ego aside. Don’t do anything that could make the situation even worse. Avoid being pushy and keep trying to find the source of present conflict. Your main focus should be on resolving the unresolved conflicts. Avoid dragging up past conflicts and avoid your couple with other couples.

Express Your Feelings

Avoid keeping your feelings bottled up inside. Verbalize what you think and express clearly what is upsetting you and why. You will feel not being understood if you don’t speak and if you keep your feelings to yourself. Be expressive, be polite and make sure that your words and feelings are not going to hurt your partner in anyway. Don’t expect your partner to read your mind. Also avoid expecting your partner to gauge what you may be feeling inside. Being expressive doesn’t mean that you are allowed to say negative thoughts openly to your partner.

Avoid Blame Game

While you are discussing the source of conflicts with your partner, you should avoid being accusatory. You have to be extra careful to maintain objective stance. Avoid blame game because it will make your situation even worse. Avoid starting argument with strong statements. In simpler words, avoid personal attacks. Use “you” and “I” less, and “us” and “we” more. For example, never say that “you never appreciate what I do”, instead say, “I would feel valued if my work is appreciated.” Likewise, avoid saying, “you have ruined our marriage”, instead say, “we could do better to avoid these small issues.”

Find The Solution

Once you have identified the source of issues and conflicts between you and your partner, it’s time to find out how to save your marriage from divorce by resolving these issues and conflicts. You need a solution that could help you keep your marriage on the right track. It may be difficult for you to find a solution, but it’s not impossible. You have to check if you are fulfilling your responsibilities or not. Also, find out what can be done to improve your relationship. You will need your partner’s agreement, time and effort to save your marriage from divorce. Alone you can’t do this. Each partner will have to make some good changes to save marriage from divorce. Here the key is mutual cooperation.

Consult Marriage Counselor

A qualified marriage counselor can help you figure out how to save marriage from divorce. Marriage counselors are trained to help troubled couples and they can help you find a better solution of your problems. Your marriage counselor could identify the actual source of conflict and can potentially help you figure out how to save marriage from divorce. These counselors are equipped with effective strategies that could help save a marriage.

In short, while you are trying to figure out how to save marriage from divorce, bear in mind it that it takes “two people” to build up and maintain a healthy relationship. You can’t guarantee success of your relationship alone. “Mutual cooperation” is the key that can help you save marriage from divorce. 

Save My Marriage Today

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How To Save a Loveless Marriage?

Marriage without love can’t survive. If your marriage is turning into a loveless marriage, you have to take steps to rekindle the love that has lost. Some people think that they can’t save their loveless marriage and they don’t even try to do anything. This is a wrong attitude because if you want your marriage to survive, you have to be proactive to save loveless marriage

Why it’s Difficult To Save a Loveless Marriage?

Saving a loveless marriage can be very difficult for both the partners. Sometimes one partner wants out, while the other one tries to save marriage. A wise way to find out why love is leaving your marriage is to have a talk with your partner and point out all the things that have been causing problems between you and your partner. One thing is important to bear in mind that you can’t save your marriage alone and you will need cooperation from your partner. Without mutual efforts, you can’t get anywhere and you can’t save your marriage. If your partner is interested to save loveless marriage, both of you should spend some quality time together to repair those problems that have led your relationship to this stage.

Save Your Marriage Now

Fix The Fatal Problems to Save a Loveless Marriage

The only way to save a loveless marriage is to fix the fatal problems that are pushing love away from the marriage. Once you have resolved your fatal problems, you will find the road clear to follow the next step. The key to find out and resolve the fatal problems is to discuss the fatal problems with your partner. Try to find out what annoys your partner and also express your issues. You have to be a good listener to understand the problems of your partner.  Avoid argument for argument sake.

Spend Quality Time With Each Other

These days a lot of things can easily ruin a relationship. For example, Internet, television, friends and job responsibilities could keep you away from your partner for a long time period. This could trigger frustration in your partner and it can increase distance between you and your partner. You should give importance to your spouse instead of your favorite TV show. The key here is to maintain a balance between your work, hobbies and your married life. Put your spouse always at the top of your personal schedule and try to keep your list-to-do things shorter. If you are too busy during week days, you should spend quality time with your partner on weekends.

Maintain a Healthy Sexual Relationship

Sex can help you save a loveless marriage. However, if your partner doesn’t show his/her agreement to have sexual intercourse with you, don’t impose it on him/her. Try to find out what they want and how they want it from you. Maintain physical attraction and practice dirty talking with your partner.

Consult a Marriage Counselor

If nothing works for you, consult a marriage counselor to help you save a loveless marriage.